長度(X軸):28.3cm 寬度(Y軸):40.2cm 重量:13.4g
1. 本物件為刊登於1905年5月27日發刊的《倫敦新聞畫報》(The Illustrated London News)的753頁,收錄了共5張照片及一張版畫。其照片的文字內容分別為:「After the earthquake: Front view of Mr. MacBean’s House in the Kangra Valley after the shock」(右上);「Interior of the bedroom where Lilian MacBean was killed」(右下);「Lilian MacBean at the door of her father’s house. By the fall of which she was killed」(左上);「Where two hundred pilgrims perished: The lost city, Tavali Mukki」(左下);中間是罹難者Lilian MacBean的頭像:「Lilian Beatrice MacBean, aged nine, killed April 4, 1905」中間是一段敘述文:「A Little Victim of the Indian Earthquake, and the Scene of her Death: Mr. MacBean’s house on his tea estate in the Kangra Valley was destroyed by the shock, and his little girl was killed in her bedroom. The ruined city of Tavali Mukki, in the Kangra Valley, where two hundred pilgrims were killed, was famous for its Fire Temple. Many of its citizens also perished in the catastrophe. 下半頁是一幅版畫,其文字敘述為:「Togo’s Main Point of Observation in the China Sea: South Cape, Formosa. Drawn by Allan Stewart from a Photograph by G. A. Cordes, F.R.G.S. – South Cape is the extreme southern point of the Island of Formosa, and will be jealously watched by Togo, as the Baltic Fleet must either pass to the east or to the west of it. It is improbable that they will pass through the west, up the Fokien Strait, owing to the presence of a Japanese naval force in the Pescadores Islands, The only alternative is, therefore, for Rozhdestvensky to pass between Formosa and the Philippines by the Bashee Channel, which is perfectly commanded by South Cape. The anchorage is magnificent, and would accommodate the largest battle-ship. On the promontory is an occultating light erected by the Chinese to serve as a point of guidance for ships going north and south. 」2. 上半頁的五張照片報導的是1905年4月4日發生在印度北部坎格拉谷的Tavali Mukki市的一場地震。當時居住在坎格拉谷的茶園業主D. W. MacBean的九歲女兒在那場地震中罹難身亡。照片是地震後倒塌的MacBean的房子、女兒的臥房、女兒身前的照片及Tavali Mukki市的全景。3. 下半頁的版畫報導的是大日本帝國海軍大將東鄉平八郎(Togo Heihachiro)在福爾摩沙最南端的岬角,觀察俄羅斯帝國由海軍中將齊諾維 · 羅傑斯特文斯基(Admiral Zinovy Rozhestvensky)所指揮的「第二太平洋艦隊(Baltic Fleet)」有可能的進攻路線。據報導,俄羅斯艦隊不可能往福爾摩沙的東邊行駛,因為在澎湖群島有日本的駐軍。唯一的可能是往西,經過巴士海峽,直達對馬海峽。1904年2月8日,日俄戰爭爆發(結束於1905年9月5日)。1904年10月15日,俄羅斯帝國委派了「第二太平洋艦隊」,從波羅的海出發,繞過非洲好望角前往中國,1905年5月14日經過福爾摩沙南岬,5月27日抵達對馬海峽,是為「日俄對馬海戰」(1905年5月27日—28日)。戰役以日方大獲全勝而告終。此插畫為Allan Stewart根據海軍 G. A. Cordes, F.R.G.S.所拍攝的照片所繪。
1. Jay Robert Nash,1976。《Darkest Hours》,頁: 301,美國:Rowman & Littlefield。2. Battle of Tsushima,Encyclopædia Britannica,https://www.britannica.com/event/Battle-of-Tsushima (瀏覽日期:2018/08/01)。3. 歷史上的日俄對馬海戰是怎麼回事,每日頭條,https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/history/anybxn6.html(瀏覽日期:2018/08/01)。